basic comp

Vector & Raster Images

9:12 am

5 examples of Vector Images

Graphic II by James Roper

The colours compliment well and the light contrast makes it very interesting


O J O S ( Portrait of the Great Dragon ) by Viscera Vicarious

❀ The lines and detail is extraordinary


The Last of Us Poster Series II by Brandon Meier

❀ As a huge fan of the game , the simplicity and colour selection for this poster series is well-made and sticks true to the game itself.


Illustrator Touchworkspace Illustration by Brian Yap

❀ The detail put into this artwork is amazing . I appreciate all the details and the colour is muted so it pleases the eye despite the amount of detail put into it.


All Ways Illustration by Lena La Ballena

❀ I love how each section is done in such a way that the direction of the image flows smoothly and meticulously . I admire these kind of works very much.

5 examples of Raster Images
Steampunk bugs collection Bug by Piotr Tobiasz Kozlowski

❀ By using 3DS Max to plan the shape for each item , it is utilized and improved in photoshop. The detailwork is commendable.


The FireFly Cottage 3dsmax Vray PhotoshoP by Ifthikhar Abdul Nasser

❀ The immaculate detail on each part of this image is well executed and it creates such a warm and homey feeling , daytime and nighttime.


These Lies by Yuumei

❀ I have always admired yuumei for her selection of colours and composition of elements in each artwork she poured into.The images effortlessly tell a story by themselves.


I AM BEAST by Lee Howell

❀ This is a great example of how detail and complex we can tweak an image in photoshop.The before and after image contrasts so much yet does not distort the original model too much giving it a hyper-realistic feel.


photo manipulations by cassiopeia 

❀ To be able to manipulate many objects into a single image is wonderful and the lighting in this photo manipulation is simply remarkable because of how every element blends in as if they were supposed to be there in the first place.

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