basic comp


3:44 pm

Tasked to do an illustration using A.I
 sketched the idea
 trace out the rooms
 add details to room and texture
 add gradient
 add characters and details
 1 finished character
 continue to do more characters and expressions
 add details to other rooms
 continue to add details
 add texture to floor
 add more characters
attempt to background

almost done ;; add more characters and finish up the last room

Textures used:
paper : http://www.publicdomainpictures.net/view-image.php?image=14384
wood : http://biggenio.deviantart.com/art/Wood-Texture-395762034
tatami : http://i01.i.aliimg.com/img/pb/181/160/106/106160181_182.jpg
blinds : http://imgc.allpostersimages.com/images/P-473-488-90/29/2963/QOGQD00Z/posters/close-up-of-bamboo-window-blinds.jpg
grass :http://bgfons.com/upload/grass_texture240.jpg
water : http://www.topdesignmag.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/14.-water-texture.jpg
brick : http://www.petalpetal.com/img/2015/6/knockout-red-brick-wall.jpg

\completed artwork /
Characters are (c) 刀剣乱舞 by DMM/Nitroplus
Interior design (c) me

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